Connie Salmon
Children's Author &

Mission Statement
I want to entertain and inform children on subjects that matter to them. When I write a story, I tell it as if the child is right in front of me.
A Little Bit About Me
I am a children's author. I was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I was raised partly in Puerto Rico and partly in the states. After High School my family went back to Puerto Rico. I met my husband there and got married there. We came to Connecticut for job opportunities and have lived here ever since. I have a beautiful daughter, son-in law, and brand new grandchild. I also have a dog and a cat.
I'm a graduate of the Institute of Children's Literature and I've been published in Boy's Life and Skipping Stones Magazines. I have written several early reader picture books and I hope they will soon be published. I'm completely bilingual in English and Spanish and I'm a member of the SCBWI's Translation Group. I'm a leader of a Critique Group, "The Page Turners" that meets in Glastonbury, CT. I have been a member of SCBWI since 2008.
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